
Neuromarketing is a growing area of marketing but few

Question: Neuromarketing is a growing area of marketing, but few really understand the science behind it. Some suggest that it is a means by which the decision-making processes and behaviors of the consumer can be truly understood; they believe that consumers do not actually know their own mind, and that neuromarketing reveals the truth.122 On the one hand, it is claimed that neuromarketing effectively casts the consumer as an unknowing, passive, and unreliable entity; on the other, neuromarketing claims to speak for the consumer using technology rather than opinion-consumer opinions have become secondary and neuromarketers can speak for them. Is neuromarketing correct in positing that consumers are really driven by emotion rather than rational choice?

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Marketing Management: Neuromarketing is a growing area of marketing but few
Reference No:- TGS02642900

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