Network security should to be a prevailing and ongoing

Two Paragraphs max. APA format. In-text citation. 2 Sources needed.

Network security should to be a prevailing and ongoing concern for users and administrators alike. Last chapter discussed many aspects of security, but only scratches the surface in many ways.

Pick a topic from the chapter;


Denial of Service (DoS)

Performing a UDP Flood Attack

Session and Spoofing Attacks

Switch Attacks

Password attacks

Web attacks

Pick an area of computer security for further investigation.

Locate one article electronic journal database and one online video that will help you identify, learn about, and discuss the problem and/or solutions to the present day challenge.

Create a new discussion forum posting in which you do the following:

1) State the chosen area of further investigation

2) Explain why it is important

3) Provide links to the article and video discussing the problem and/or solutions

4) Present 2-3 questions for other students to answer after reading and viewing the resources you post

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Management Information Sys: Network security should to be a prevailing and ongoing
Reference No:- TGS02748833

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