
Net worth analysis in project analysis techniques

Answer all the questions.

Question1) What is programme planning? Discuss in detail various steps in programme planning.

Question2) Critically discuss different project appraisal techniques.

Question3) What is evaluation? Critically discuss different approaches of evaluation.

Question4) Describe Net Worth Analysis in project analysis techniques.

Question5) Explain in detail project implementation process of Watershed Management Programme. 

Question6) State the significance of review of literature in a research report. What are the functions of a literature review? What are the general problems faced in reviewing literature?

Question7) What are the different methods of development research?  Describe the FGD method and Case study method in detail.

Question8) What is reliability of measuring instrument? What are the methods for establishing the reliability of empirical measurements?.

Question9) What do you mean by regression? How is regression different from correlation? Explain with the example, fitting of a regression line.

Question10) Give a research topic of your interest with three objectives, hypothesis for each objective, qualitative and quantitative data that need to be collected and devises to collect the data.

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Other Subject: Net worth analysis in project analysis techniques
Reference No:- TGS02677

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