
Net present value method of economic analysis

1)a) What is meant by ESWL? Describe with suitable example how ESWL of a wheel system is computed.

b) Write down the various kinds of joints in concrete pavements? Draw the diagram of any one of them.

2)a) Sketch the cross-section of the flexible pavement and describe the various layers.

b) Explain the IRC design procedure of the cement concrete pavement.

3)a) Explain the impact value of aggregate. Describe how it is measured.

b) Write down the tests performed on road bitumen. Explain them in detail them.

4)a) Write down the desirable characteristics of aggregate used in road construction.

b) What is the plan load test? Describe how it is performed.

5)a) Write down the difference between surface and sub-surface drainage in highways.

b) What do you mean by overlays? Describe their design procedure in detail.

6)a) Describe the special problems encountered while construction of roads in water logged areas.

b) What is structural evaluation of pavements? Explain one of the instruments used.

7)a) Write down the different road user costs and benefits associated with the highway project.

b) Describe how cement can be used to stabilize soil sub grade.

8)a) Describe the net present value method of economic analysis with the help of suitable example.

b) What is meant by mechanical stabilization? Explain one of the equipment used in detail.

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Civil Engineering: Net present value method of economic analysis
Reference No:- TGS012686

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