
Net neutrality is the concept that the internet should not

Net neutrality is the concept that the internet should not be unfairly manipulated by Internet Service Providers; Comcast, Spectrum, AT&T, Verizon, etc.

With net neutrality regulations these ISPs must treat each respective customer, website, app, and service similarly without throttling traffic or creating additional paywalls to reach certain content. This is a topic that, depending on its implementation or not, could affect us all on how we conduct our social and business activities online.


The project is designed to give you an in-depth teamwork experience with an information technology, application, product, service, trend or a related topic.

The requirement is to prepare a at least 23-page technical paper and a 23-25 minutes PowerPoint-like presentation, to be given to the class, on any information technology topic related to this course. The technical paper and presentation should reflect the problem, the context, the current best practice, the architecture, and the state of art in information technology.


Teams of five students are to be formed. Each team will jointly define its project. While each project should be an integrated team effort, i.e. there is a single deliverable; you should identify both in your project proposal and final report what part of the project each team member is responsible for.

The final written report should be submitted to the instructor on March 20 (Tuesday), 2018. The report should be in APA (American Psychology Association) format.

The report should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 pt font and double spaced, with at least 23 double-spaced and numbered pages (with 1" margins on all sides), excluding figures, tables, illustrations, and references. Fewer pages will result in points deduction. A cover page is required.

The report should include the following:

o Course Information

o Team members with team leader indicated

o Abstract

o Introduction


o Conclusion

o References (not counted for the length requirement of the report).

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Management Information Sys: Net neutrality is the concept that the internet should not
Reference No:- TGS02668045

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