
Nelson and burns high performance programming model

1) What is your opinion on KOBIE'S ANSWER to the Questions below?


The Nelson and Burns' High Performance Programming model would be the best to perform an OD analysis of Booz Allen Hamilton, my chosen organization. This model will be useful because I can use it to assess how the company is doing right now. From this assessment I can create possible interventions to increase the performance level of the company. The tool that will be used to assess the company is a survey that will be filled out by each employee, which he or she would give their opinion on the state of the company in terms of 11 variables developed by Nelson and Burns' (1984). Those values are time frame, focus, planning, change mode, management, structure, perspective, motivation, development, communication, and leadership. The variables are well suited to the culture, mission, vision and values of Booz Allen Hamilton. The survey is measured on a Likert scale and is user friendly.

This model will be effective for Booz Allen because, as a company it is concerned with continual development and enhanced performance to provide a better product, clear answers to questions, and viable solutions for its clients. The model is also optimal for an OD of Booz Allen because it has a strong focus on leadership activities. Booz Allen is concerned with the development of its employee's ability to lead and think creatively. Nelson and Burns' model uncovers these leadership behaviors and provides a channel in which they can be exercised for overall company improvement.



Descriptions of Organizational Diagnostic Models

The 12 models selected for this review are presented in the chronological order in which they first appeared in the literature. The models reviewed in this section include:

1. Lewin's Force Field Analysis (1951)

2. Leavitt's Model (1965)

3. Likert's System Analysis (1967)

4. Weisbord's Six-Box Model (1976)

5. Nadler and Tushman's Congruence Model for Organization Analysis (1977)

6. McKinsey 7S Framework (1980)

7. Galbrath's STAR Model (1982)

8. Tichy's Technical Political Cultural (TPC) Framework (1983)

9. Nelson and Burns' High-Performance Programming (1984)

10. Harrison's Diagnosing Individual and Group Behavior Model (1987)

11. Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance & Change (1992)

12. Falletta's Organizational Intelligence Model (2008)


Now that you've considered the background and the strengths and weaknesses of these models, which of them do you believe would be best suited to an OD analysis of your chosen Fortune "Best 100" organization? While you do not need to cover every characteristic of your chosen model, please be very thorough and specific in your discussion and reasoning.

2) What is your opinion on CHRISTOPHER'S ANSWER to the Questions above?


The organizational diagnostic models that were reviewed in the background are sufficiently varied as to have several models that could be used in assessing an organization. According to Falleta (2011), each of the models differ in respect to other factors that are considered to be essential components of organizational functioning; the choice of which model to use should be based on the facilitator's comfort & familiarity with the model, the level of specificity desired, and the types of outcomes and interventions that the model generates or suggests. Though there are numerous common elements and themes, the Organizational Intelligence Model from Falleta seems the most comprehensive - incorporating inputs from leadership, strategy and culture into the foundation (Falleta, 2011). The Organizational Intelligence Model incorporates eleven factors that allow all aspects of the organization to be reviewed, compared and assessed with each other rather than only individually. The factors run the gamut from environmental inputs to organizational strategy and leadership, to employee engagement and performance outputs (Falleta, 2013). According to Falleta (2011), a significant difference between the Organizational Intelligence Model for other models is that it is considered to be an instrument for action planning and real change - and that all levels of the organization must participate in developing, implementing and assuming ownership for the action planning and change process. In selecting an organizational diagnostic model that would apply to Wegman's Food Markets, a comprehensive model was essential in order to factor in critical elements such as employee engagement. The five key elements of structure & adaptability, information & technology, the quality of direct manager, measures & rewards, and growth & development all directly influence employee engagement, and in turn affect the performance outputs (Falleta, 2013). Organizational intelligence surveys can be analyzed through four different techniques: item analysis, conceptual analysis, content analysis and/or comparative analysis.

Falleta, S. V. (2011). Organizational intelligence surveys: models, methods and methods. Slideshare. Retrieved from


Falleta, S. V. (2013). Organizational diagnostic models: an integrative review & synthesis. Organizational Intelligence Institute. Retrieved from:


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