Negotiate a deal in which they bought homers interest

Assignment task:

For purposes of this task, you are to assume that Alice and Bob were able to negotiate a deal in which they bought Homer's interest in Greenacre. Following Homer's transfer of his interest, Alice and Bob now each own an undivided one-half interest in Greenacre as tenants in common. Alice is a family physician whose medical practice in smallville, a small town located approximately 25 miles from greenacre. Alice also has a home in smallville with her husband, Andy and three children. She has no interest in moving from her home and does not wish to reside at Greenacre. Bob, on the other hand, is a farmer. He and his wife Betty, own a small home that is located on their 60-acre farm, Redacre. Greenacre is less than five miles away from Redacre. Because the house and farming operations at Greenacre are larger and more attractice to Bob and Betty, they have decided to move to Greenacre and to lease out Redacre. Alice has no objections. She does not want to leave smallville and is happy that her brother and sister-in-law will be living at the family place. In fact, she had been worried that she and Bob might have

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