Discuss the purpose of homeostasis in the body use one example other than Body Temp. Discuss why negative feedback not positive feedback is the primary regulator of homeostasis. I answered the question as follows, and received the question from my instructor, " How does it know when to stop?"
Negative feedback loop is the usual means of maintaining homeostasis in a general mechanism. After internal change is sensed by the body, it activates a mechanism that negates, reverses, or changes. An example of homeostasis would be when viruses or bacteria cause illness in a person's body homeostasis is maintained by the lymphatic system kicking in. Homeostasis works to prevent a person from getting sick by fighting the infection, and keeping the person healthy. Another example would be in a person's breathing patterns, and how the nervous system keeps homeostasis present. Because we don't have to work to breath - it's an involuntary reflex, the body gets the correct amount of oxygen needed through the nervous system regulating this.