
Need to use two different methods to find a root for an

Need help writing a basic javascript program for the following problem:

Need to use two different methods to find a root for an equation of the form f(x)=0, however you will be starting with ONE guess instead of two.

The first method is called Newton's method or Newton-Raphson and it requires that you calculate the derivative of the function (by hand)

The second method uses any one of the the finite difference approximations to the derivative which you had written in Assignment One.

You might want to test your program with the equation ln(sin(x)) = -0.25

Note: make sure you know how to calculate the naperian logarithm in javascript

Note: x needs to be in radians

Note: use an initial approximation of x=1

by the way, you might want to check your answer with a calculator, it should be around

x= 0.8927517423921186

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: Need to use two different methods to find a root for an
Reference No:- TGS02873619

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