
Need to do the load and stress analysis for the aircraft

Topic: Aircraft Wing-box Structural Analysis

Question: Need to do the load and stress analysis for the aircraft wing-box structure. The details has been attached with more explanation.

You need to do this "For this report you are required to provide detailed CAD drawings of your proposed design and its various components using an industry standard modeling tool (for example CATIA)". ?

Objective: Complete the structural design of the wing box based on the materials proposed in the first report. The selected materials for wing-box structure are the skin panel is set to be aluminum, ribs are set as steel, and the spar is set as S-Glass. The main objective is to design a box of an optimal weight while meeting all structural integrity requirements with special attention to buckling and yielding. Your design will focus on a 2-spar wing box capable of resisting limit loads at the PLAA flight condition with a safety factor of 1.5. To validate your design, you are to perform stress analyses at a minimum of 4 wing stations. You have to use schrenk method to evaluate your design for load-distribution and stress analysis.

Aircraft specification:

Design airspeed and aerodynamic info:

The cruise speed of the a/c is M 0.85 at 12000 m and the maximum design speed is M 0.9. The clean CL max of the a/c is 1.6.

Powerplant: the propulsion system consists of two wing-mounted engines, each weighting 2200 kg and delivering 85 KN of static sea level thrust. The engines are located on the wing at 5 meters from wing root.


Total fuel mass is 18000 kg. of that, a total of 8000 kg is placed on each wing distributed over the inner 14 meters of the cantilevered wing section, i.e, 14 meters outward of the wing root section. The remaining amount is placed in the center box section.

Wing structural mass

The total mass of the wing structure and systems is taken to be approximately 6000 Kg for a first design iteration (this includes the mass of the wing box, centre box and all control surfaces and associated systems). The centre box may be taken as 1000 Kg.

  • The actual distribution of the wing structural mass from tip to root depends on the mass of a wing box that has not been determined yet.
  • Accordingly, you will need to make certain assumptions in order to start your first design iteration with a reasonable distribution of the wing mass over the cantilevered section.

For this report you are required to provide detailed CAD drawings of your proposed design and its various components using an industry standard modeling tool (for example CATIA).

In addition to the main instruction guide which already provided for you, please mind the below also for your action.

I need you the following below also:

1. Provide me also the abstract, introduction and the conclusion for the project.

2. Construct the v-n diagram for me (see the sample one for how it supposed to be). Please note that you have to build it yourself as the similar figure for it from any other resource is not acceptable.

3. Calculate the shear force and bending moment for different positions on the wing-box spanwise. Do more than one iteration. (sample project and also separate file has provided for your guidance).

4. Please use the shcrenk method to calculate the wing load distribution, do your iterations for as much as you can (please see the sample one).

5. Please try to see if you can provide matlab code for some of the calculations.

6. Please make sure you include some "structural idealization method" for the wing-box design. (The related file is attached as a guide for this).

7. Please include the calculation for the torsion of thin wall sections for the wing-box design. (The related file is attached as a guide for this).

8. Please include the calculations for the buckling load for thin plate (you need to do it as a part of solution to prevent the buckling of the lower skin panel by using the stingers as it can resist the compressive stress). . (The related file is attached as a guide for this).

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Other Engineering: Need to do the load and stress analysis for the aircraft
Reference No:- TGS02700455

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