
need of cisc cpu - computer architecturewhy

Need of CISC CPU -  computer architecture:

Why is Intel spending money and time to manufacture the Pentium II and the Pentium III?

The answer of this question is simple, backward compatibility. The IBM compatible PC is the most widespread computer in the world. Intel desired a CPU that would run all the applications that are used by 100 million users. Alternatively Motorola which builds the 68xxx series which was utilized in the Macintosh made the transition and together with IBM and Apple built the Power PC (PPC) a RISC CPU which is installed in the new Power Macs. As of Intel and the PC manufacturers are earning more money but with Microsoft playing in the RISC field as well (Windows NT runs on Compaq's Alpha) and having the pro mise of Java the future of CISC isn't obvious at all.

Significant lessons that can be learnt here is that superior technology is a factor in the computer industry, but also impacted by marketing and price as well (if not more).


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Computer Engineering: need of cisc cpu - computer architecturewhy
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