
Need help writing a researchpaper about telecommuting

Need help writing a researchpaper about Telecommuting (working from home) is a growing trend in the workworld. Many people are attracted to the idea of not reporting to an office.While there might be positive impacts to telecommuting, such as preserving theenvironment and saving the cost of office space, there could be negativeimpacts as well. Working at home challenges both business management practices(how businesses will organize work flow) and individual worker's behavior (itrequires self-motivation and discipline). Identify arguments that question oroppose widespread telecommuting. Based on your research, establish your ownposition in a clearly stated thesis. If you support telecommuting, tell why andhow it will benefit businesses. If you question its value, explain why. Mystance is that I am supporting telecommuting. Can you review the attached documentmaking changes that defines a good thesis statement and meets the following:

  • Incorporated a minimum of five scholarly sources.
  • Provided well-researched evidence to support each claim.
  • Proofread your final draft for errors in grammar, mechanics, and style.
  • Written a paper that is approximately seven to ten pages total in length, including
    • a title page
    • five to seven pages of body text (1,500 to 2,000 words)
    • a references pageFormatted your paper according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Your Final Research Paper will beassessed on the following components:

  • Structure
  • Development
  • Style
  • Grammar
  • APA formatting
  • Resources

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English: Need help writing a researchpaper about telecommuting
Reference No:- TGS01075267

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