
Need an inquiry based resarch about food labelinggmo in

Need an Inquiry based resarch about Food Labeling(GMO) in particular.

Requirements are :

1. The paper is a form of a hypohesis about cuases and effects of some conroversial or debate about Food Labeling(GMO)

2.the paper should contain :
*title page
*7 page essay, the paper should have 8 sections: introduction, historical overview, pros, cons, results and conclusion.
A. Introduction: one paragraph (should have a hypothesis)
B. Hisorical over view : 2 paragraphs
C. Pros: 3 paragraphs
D. Cons: 3 paragraphs
E. Results: 2 paragraphs
F. Conclution : 1 paragraph
*3 citation per body paragraph(Hisorical overview, Pros, Cons) at least
*references 10-12 sources (must be .ORG/.EDU/.GOV)not .COM or Wiki
* 2 Appendix ( at least 2 charts/graphs/images) (not ncluded in the 7 pages)

3. Clear topic sentance wih transitions

4. In text citaion in APA format

5. APA format paper

6. No repeated phrases.

7. The hypothesis is :if suppliers in the market labeled the food with GMO or organic labels,then the buyers will have a better diet.
(please restate the hypothsis)

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Other Subject: Need an inquiry based resarch about food labelinggmo in
Reference No:- TGS02348634

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