Ned bonapart is purchasing manager for a clothing store

Question - Accounting Information and Business Decisions

Ned Bonapart is purchasing manager for a clothing store. On April 22, Ned received the following weekly report for men's suits purchased from one of the company's suppliers. Ned immediately ordered another 12 wool suits and another 20 cotton suits from the manufacturer.

Merchandise Report

April 10

Fabric type Usual Order Quality Unit Cost Last order Date Actual Number on Hand Desired Number on Hand

Wool 12 $120 Feb.15 5 10

Cotton 20 80 Mar.2 8 15

Synthetic 25 75 Mar.10 20 15

Required - What information did Ned consider in making his decision?

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Accounting Basics: Ned bonapart is purchasing manager for a clothing store
Reference No:- TGS02559017

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