
Necrophobia is the fear of death or dead things this is a

My phobia paper reasearch is Necrophobia

Necrophobia is the fear of death or dead things. This is a very common fear, especially after the loss of a loved one. This fear is a sort of defense mechanism of the mind. This can also be a very difficult phobia to overcome because of the uncertainty surrounding death and the large faith component associated with death and dying.

Outline and Expectations for the Phobia Research Paper

1) Paper must be written in APA format. (Please see link to OWL Below)

2)You must use 3 scholarly sources. (Ex. American Psychological Association or The National Institute of Health)

3) You may interview someone with the phobia or yourself if you have it. That counts as a first hand source.

The paper must be a Minimum of 2 pages and should max out at 3 pages. (That is not including the Title Page, Abstract or Reference Page.)

Points will be deducted for a paper not written and presented well.

-10 points each for missing sections

-10 for each missing scholarly source

-45 for incomplete or incoherent research

-25 for incomplete or incoherent explanation of how the phobia could effect those who live with it, including how the phobia could be treated to help improve quality of life.

-10 for glaring spelling, grammar, and sentence structure mistakes. (Use Spell Check)

This paper should be straight forward, clear and concise. Covering a definition of the phobia, treatments for the phobia and how someone with the phobia lives day to day. Please do not hesitate to ask me if you need help or have questions and/or concerns

Link to OWL below


Phobias found at (https://www.symptomfind.com/health/most-common-phobias/)

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Dissertation: Necrophobia is the fear of death or dead things this is a
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