Nbspweb research look up the following stocks ford general

Web research, look up the following stocks: Ford, General Electric, Intel, and Microsoft. Then answer the following questions for each stock. You might have to refer to several issues of your newspaper for all of the information if the paper rotates the data daily. If you cannot find the material in the WSJ, or would prefer web research, you may get the answers that way  

  • What is the current price of the stock?
  • What was the net price change for the date covered by the paper?
  • What was the stock's price range for the last 12 months?
  • What is the current dividend rate in dollars and cents?
  • What is the dividend yield?
  • What is the PE ratio?



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English: Nbspweb research look up the following stocks ford general
Reference No:- TGS01101129

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