
Nbspthe springer dog food company makes dry dog food from

  • Linear programming
  • The Springer Dog Food Company makes dry dog food from two ingredients.  The two ingredients (A and B) provide different amounts of protein and vitamins.  Ingredient A provides 16 units of protein and 4 units of vitamins per pound.  Ingredient B provides 8 units of protein and 8 units of vitamins per pound.  Ingredients A and B cost $0.50 and $0.20 per pound, respectively.  The company wants its dog food to contain at least 12 units of protein and 6 units of vitamins per pound and be as inexpensive as possible.
  • Reformulate an LP model for this problem.
  • Sketch the feasible region for this problem.
  • Determine the optimal solution to the problem by enumerating the corner points.
  • How will the optimal solution change if the company requires only 5 units of vitamins per pound rather than 6?

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Mathematics: Nbspthe springer dog food company makes dry dog food from
Reference No:- TGS01251024

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