Nbspone of the most important skills that a leader can

Networking Assignment

One of the most important skills that a leader can develop is their network of professional contacts both in and out of their professional field. Whether it is to establish new business relationships or learn about emerging trends and ideas, networking requires focus, practice, and persistence to do it well. For this assignment, learners are required to write and submit a 4-5 page summary of their experience:

  1. Identifying and making contact with two leaders (this maynot be another learner enrolled in this course). One contact should be a leader in the field of health administration, and the second contact should be a leader in a related/relevant profession, but not necessarily health administration (this may be a community leader, for example) The learner should select a networking contact who the learner admires for his or her professional accomplishments, or who occupies a leadership position that the learner aspires to achieve.
  2. Learners are required to provide an action plan of whom, what, when, and where as well as the results of their interaction with the key network contacts.
  3. Learners are to ask their networking contact for help with the following question:
    • What is the most important lesson that you have learned in your career as a leader that you would be willing to share with me as I continue to build my leadership skills?
  4. Learners should demonstrate that they have reflected on both their personal experience and refer to the leadership literature to determine if there is evidence to support the lessons learned from leadership network contacts.

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Business Management: Nbspone of the most important skills that a leader can
Reference No:- TGS01104765

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