
international labour mobility and its effect on

Research paper with presentation as a group. Topic: International labour mobility and its effect on countries.Groups of 2 or 3 choose any One topic out of Last Five weeks lectures (Week7to Week 11) and research the topic in more depth and present your paperwith written report and presentation.For example if you choose a topic on Trade Policy you need to do research onthis topic and write a report which will analyse how Trade policies areaffecting the countries and companies in their pursuit of market expansion ormarket share or profitability. You need to elaborate on both sides of thearguments as which countries/industries and winning and whichcountries/industries are loosing or have not enjoyed the benefits of particularTrade policy of a country or group of countries.You need to research at least 7 to 10 sources /research articles for yourpaper. Simply cut and paste from Google is not acceptable. Academicresearch is the key to get good marks with proper references. (APA style orHarvard Business) 

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Management Theories: international labour mobility and its effect on
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