
Nbspintegrate knowledge of molecular interactions such as

Chemistry 297 assignment 7

 This homework assignment helps you to work toward the goals of:

    Integrate knowledge of molecular interactions such as bonding and reactivity to understand biogeochemical cycles

    Use knowledge of chemical interactions in nature to explain the consequences of human-made disruptions on biogeochemical cycles.

    Describe how we can use chemical and physical principles to monitor and predict chemical migration, interactions, and reactions

    Apply knowledge of chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics versus kinetics, functional groups, polarity, and chemical interactions and reactions to evaluate various situations

    Apply chemical principles such as solubility and reaction potential to what occurs in our environment

    Use the scientific method and quantitative reasoning to clearly articulate what occurs in our environment 

Please answer each of the following questions concisely.  Please do not cut and paste from any source.  You are to use your own words to explain each of these questions.  Make sure to clearly show all steps required in any calculations, including units used.   Concise answers are highly encouraged.

(1)  Name two ways in which we have disrupted the natural carbon cycle. (5 points possible)

           a. Explain the type of disruption (dose makes the poison, changes in chemical equilibrium, and/or presence of non-biodegradable chemicals.)   (10 points possible)

           b. Provide a general chemical reaction to explain the overall disruption of each disruption, and provide at least one environmental consequence of one of the disruptions you have chosen to discuss.  (15 points possible) 

(2) The general public often expects solutions to our environmental issues that have zero risk.  Explain in less than 200 words whether this is possible, supporting your answer with a thoughtful discussion of what risk is and how to calculate risk.  (10 points possible) 

(3) Name two different chemicals we have covered in the course content that we have added to the carbon cycle that did not exist naturally.  Please reference the source from our required readings. (10 points possible)

a.  Which functional group does each chemical belong to?  Explain. (10 points possible)

b.   How does the type of bonding and functional group these molecules posses affect their reactivity? (10 points possible)

c.   What are the health and environmental effects of the two chemicals you choose to report on? Make sure to obtain your information from reliable sources such as your textbook and reference relevant sources. (10 points possible)

d.  Take one of the chemicals you choose to discuss and explain the properties of that chemical (such as water solubility, vapor pressure, etc.) that determines its migration in our environment. (10 points possible)

e.   Name one green chemistry principle that could have the greatest potential to minimize the future impact of each of the two chemicals you discussed, explaining how each green chemistry principle can be applied specifically to each chemical. (10 points possible)

Total points = 100 points, which is the same in percentage.  All assignments are reported as percentage into the Gradebook, and appropriately weighed according to grading distribution.

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Chemistry: Nbspintegrate knowledge of molecular interactions such as
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