
do you think ericrsquos illness was food-borne if so

Eric got really sick yesterday after eating lunch in the cafeteria. He had a turkey sandwich with mayonnaise, mustard, and lettuce, potato salad, and a cola. A couple of hours later, in the middle of basketball practice, he started to shake and sweat. Eric felt really nauseated, and barely made it to the bathroom before vomiting. He went back to his dorm room and crawled into bed. This morning he still feels a little sick to his stomach, and sort of weak. Eric asked some of his friends who ate in the cafeteria yesterday if they got sick and none of them did, but he still thinks it was the food. He’s planning to go off-campus for lunch from now on!

1. Do you think Eric’s illness was food-borne?

2. If so, what food(s) do you most suspect?

3. What do you think of his plan to go off-campus for lunch from now on?

4. Where are you most likely to be infected by a food-borne illness: At home or in a restaurant?

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Other Subject: do you think ericrsquos illness was food-borne if so
Reference No:- TGS0600550

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