


                 ·          If we are in dangerous areas, water, gas and electricity should be turned off quickly and we should move to a higher level of ground.

                 ·          It should be remembered that if a tsunami warning is issued, it may be a matter of minutes or even second before the waves hit.

                 ·          We should never go down to the beach to watch the waves come in.

                 ·          We have to keep in mind that tsunami consists of a series of waves. Generally, the very first wave may not be much dangerous but they get worse progressively.

                 ·          We should listen to the radio to know when it is safer to return home.

                 ·          After a tsunami hit, food and water may get contaminated and it is important to test them before consumption.

                 ·          We should check the building for any gas leaks or electrical short circuit before entering them.

                 ·          First-aid should be administered only if we are trained in it, otherwise we should seek assistance of a trained person.

                 ·          We should stay tuned to the local radio and TV stations for any order for evacuation when a tsunami warning has been issued.

                 ·          We should never return to the lower areas until the tsunami danger is over and the "all clear" signal has been announced.

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