
Navigating basic image functions within the plm system

Assignment Task:

1) Your work will be reviewed, assessed and graded from skills in following directions and navigating basic image functions within the PLM system.

2) You will be required to log into PLM, navigate the system and take screenshots using the "Snipping Tool" or "Print Screen Function".

A) Log into PLM using your username and password. Make sure to turn off the Pop-Up Blocker in order to fully utilize the PLM system functions please.

B) In PLM, click on the Color tab and then click Color Search at the Left Navigation Bar to create a color palette for your style from the previous Milestone 3, "XXX" - Sec ## -LS BTTN


C) You will be a new color palette named using your 3 initials, section number, followed by Long Sleeve Button Shirt 1010 Palette. Palette should be Seasonal and assigned with the LIM Standard Dev Calendar as per the instructor handout 4. Example Jane Emma Smith in section 11 makes a palette named- JES-11-Long Sleeve Button

Down Shirt 1010 Palette.

D) Following the instructions and directions within the Instructor Handout 4 on how to a new color palette and add new colors. Your goal is to the color palette for this button down shirt style. There should be 2 solid colors and a stripe pattern.

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Other Management: Navigating basic image functions within the plm system
Reference No:- TGS03377806

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