Answer the following questions.
Question 1) What is Business Environment ? Describe significance of Business Environment in Economic Development of the Country.
Question 2) What is Business ? Describe nature, scope and characteristics of Business.
Question 3) Describe role and significance of Agriculture Field in Economic Development of the Country.
Question 4) Describe role of Monetary Policy. What are the tools and objectives of Monetary Policy.
Question 5) Describe in detail New Industrial Policy of 1991.
Question 6) What is Public Expenditure ? Describe role of Public Expenditure in Economic Development of a Country.
Question 7) Discuss highlights of Second Generation Reforms.
Question 8) Describe function of Banking and Financial Institutions in Economic Development of a Country.
Question 9) Describe Short notes on:
(a) GATT
(b) Globalization
(c) Role of Transport in Economic Development of a Country
(d) Population Explosion
(e) Functions of Insurance
(f) Labour Taxation
(g) Fiscal Policy
(h) International Monetary Fund