
Nature of the managerial accounting tools in reality


About TMA

The TMA covers the cost accounting concepts and practices in the businesses. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall assessment component. It is intended to assess students' understanding of some of the learning points within chapters 1 to 5. This TMA requires you to apply the course concepts. The TMA is intended to:

Assess students' understanding of key learning points within chapters 1 to 5.

Increase the students' knowledge about the reality of the cost and management accounting as a profession.

Develop students' communication skills, such as essay writing, analysis and presentation of material.

Develop the ability to understand and interact with the nature of the managerial accounting tools in reality.

The TMA:

The TMA requires you to:

1- Review various study chapters of 'Cost Accounting' Book and apply some of the concepts within it.

2- Conduct a simple information search using the internet.

3- Present your findings in not more than 1,200 words (900 words for Part A and 300 words for Part B). The word count excludes headings, references, title page, and diagrams.

4- You should use a Microsoft Office Word and Times New Roman Font of 12 points.

5- You should read and follow the instructions below carefully. Each part of the process will carry marks for the assignment.

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Accounting Basics: Nature of the managerial accounting tools in reality
Reference No:- TGS01968010

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