
Nature of childhood as between historical periods

Oral History Project on Childhood

Task (2000 words)

• This will involve producing a report based on utilising oral history research methods and approaches to compare and contrast the childhoods of persons aged 30-59 and those aged 60+.

• At least one male and one female from each age group will be interviewed by the student – to bring out gender differences; though students may interview further people in order to follow up specific issues and questions.

• A minimum of 4 people should be interviewed if at all possible.

• It would also be interesting to explore social class and ethnicity dimension where possible and appropriate.

• Students may interview relatives, friends, neighbours or other people they already know to research.

• In negotiation with the tutor, students will focus their research on particular topics, e.g. education, play, leisure pursuits, religious practice, etc. ( pick one please)

History of Childhood:

Oral History Project on Childhood:

Task (2000 words)

• This will involve producing a report based on utilising oral history research methods and approaches to compare and contrast the childhoods of persons aged 30-59 and those aged 60+.

• At least one male and one female from each age group will be interviewed by the student – to bring out gender differences; though students may interview further people in order to follow up specific issues and questions.

• A minimum of 4 people should be interviewed if at all possible.

• It would also be interesting to explore social class and ethnicity dimension where possible and appropriate.

• Students may interview relatives, friends, neighbours or other people they already know to research.

• In negotiation with the tutor, students will focus their research on particular topics, e.g. education, play, leisure pursuits, religious practice, etc.


1. Individual Report
2. 2000 words

Report Format:

TITLE (which you make up yourself; Report on … whatever)


• Where you set out the aims and purposes of the report

• Give a brief outline of the particular topic that you are looking at

• Explain briefly why you think the issue you are looking at is important


Tell the reader how you gathered the information for the Report, i.e. what types of secondary literature you looked at Outline the primary research you did (the interviews that you did)


Headings (for each section) – which will depend on the nature of what you are doing. The themes will vary. This is the ‘Findings’ aspect of the report – what you have come up with


You discuss key issues and findings (bring in any relevant academic literature to your discussion)


Summarise the main findings and issues


In Harvard format

Appendices – a list of the questions you asked; transcripts.

Assessment Criteria:

In line with Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of differences/similarities between the experience and nature of childhood as between historical periods (taking gender and social class differences into account where appropriate)

2. Explain the nature of and changes in the rights of children in relation to the people interviewed for the project – considering the roles of government, law, tradition and moral codes in shaping childhood for the interviewees

3. Reflect on your own values and attitudes and experience in relation to changes in the nature and social constitution of childhood for the interviewees

4. Present knowledge, ideas and viewpoints on the subject of childhood

5. Manage the learning process in relation to the oral history project, including setting own targets for the completion of the project and taking responsibility for its organisation

6. Identify and collect relevant information efficiently and effectively and organise it into academic products in assignment

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Reference No:- TGS01428940

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