
Nature and significance of managerial economics

Answer the following questions.

Question 1) What are the goals of a business firm?

Question 2) Describe the factors involved in decision making process of business.

Question 3) Describe the nature of demand curve.

Question 4) Describe the different types of price elasticity of demand.

Question 5) What is the relationship between average cost and marginal cost.

Question 6) Describe the method of pricing a new product.

Question 7) What do you mean by monopolistic of oligopoly?

Question 8) Describe the different methods of measuring national income.

Question 9) Explain the various methods of measuring national income.

Question 10) Explain the uses of break-even analysis.

Question 11) Describe the nature and significance of Managerial Economics.

Question 12) Examine the different methods of demand forecasting.

Question 13) Evaluate the limitations of break even analysis for decision making.

Question 14) Critically explain the theories of profit.

Question 15) Describe how price and output are determined under perfect competition.

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Managerial Economics: Nature and significance of managerial economics
Reference No:- TGS06946

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