Answer those questions thoroughly and completely and in your own words
- Nature and Nurture: What do twin studies tell us about nature/nurture? Also, discuss the influence of heredity in explaining the process of one's personality and intellectual development. Provide examples.
- What is the self? According to Charles Horton Cooley, explain the "looking glass self" (discuss the three phases). George Herbert Mead also discusses the stages of the self: identify differences between I and Me. What is meant by significant others? How are significant others related to the self? Identify Mead's three-stage process of self-development.
- Explain the dramaturgical approach. What occurs on front-stage? What happens in backstage? How can Erving Goffman's idea of impression management and face-work be used to understand social behavior?
- Identify the agents of socialization. What is the role of schools in gender role socialization? How has technology (computer, cell phone, email, & TV) influenced the socialization process?
- What are total institutions? Identify Goffman's four traits of total institutions. Discuss how a degradation ceremony is used to mortify one's sense of self.
- How does society deal with an elderly population? Discuss differences between disengagement theory and activity theory? Finally, provide solutions to ageism.