
Nature and nurture always interact each human being is

Nature and nurture always interact. Each human being is affected by the interaction of both genes (nature) and the environment (nurture). What impact have nature and nurture had on your growth and development? You may choose to refer to either your developmental growth in infancy or in early childhood.

Make sure to discuss at least TWO of the following topics: health/nutrition, temperament, attachment styles, early-childhood education, play and parenting styles. Learning language distinguishes the human species from all other animals. It may be our most impressive cognitive accomplishment in human development. How did YOU (or you may use your children as examples) learn language: What were you first words? Were you behind or ahead of other children in your age range? Did you learn multiple languages and what effect do you think that has had on your life? What was your favorite book? Who taught you how to read? In addition, do you agree with the nurturist theory or the nativist theory  of language development?

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that adult dysfunctional behavior results from developmental problems that occur in childhood. Sigmund Freud describes these problems as fixations in his Psychosexual Stage theory. Erik Erikson believes that each person experiences a series of crisis throughout his or her lifetime in his Psychosocial Stage theory. In an attempt at self-analysis, use either Freud or Erikson's theories to explain any problems you may have had in the past or present. What stage did these problems originate? How has the fixation/crisis affected your current behavior?

Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky have both had a significant impact on the science of human development. Although their philosophies differ remarkably, how would you incorporate their theories to design your own day-care center? Would it be a child-centered program or a teacher-directed program and why? (Feel free to include what we have learned about Maria Montessori and Head-Start programs)

According to Diana Baumrind's Parenting Styles (authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, and neglectful/uninvolved), how would you characterize the parenting style that prevails or prevailed within your own family? Do you agree or disagree with her findings about childhood outcomes? How do you believe these parenting styles affected your development? You can write this essay from the perspective of a son/daughter or as a parent if you have children of your own.

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Other Subject: Nature and nurture always interact each human being is
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