Note: You are required to answer all the questions. Each answer must be in around 500 words.
Question 1: Describe the nature and concept of social psychology. How is social psychology related to the other disciplines? Discuss.
Question 2: Describe important landmarks in the historical development of the social psychology.
Question 3: Describe the cognitive and motivational basis of social and person perception. Describe different errors in attribution.
Question 4: Distinguish between: (any two)
a) Attitude and belief.
b) Social facilitation and social loafing.
c) Crowd and Audience.
Question 5: What do you mean by the term ABC of attitude? Describe the relationship between attitude and behavior.
Question 6: What do you understand by the term cognitive dissonance? How is it useful in changing attitudes?
Question 7: What do you mean by the word Group? Discuss different kinds of groups.
Question 8: Explain the role of social norms in maintaining harmony in the society. What will happen if there were no norms at all? Describe.
Question 9: Illustrate the term autokinetic effect? Describe Sherif’s experiment on autokinetic effect.
Question 10: Illustrate in detail Soloman Asch’s experiment on conformity.