
Natural circulation of air in the space

1. What is not a factor that reduces the required number of kWh for heating?

A. Higher lighting levels
B. Greater use of electric equipment
C. Greater number of people occupying building
D. Greater ventilation

2. Heating units that depend upon the natural circulation of air in the space to be heated are called:

A. unit ventilators.
B. heat pumps.
C. electric baseboard heaters.
D. hot-water storage heaters.

3. Balance point temperature is the:

A. temperature at which point ventilation is not required.
B. temperature at which cooling is required.
C. outside temperature at which point heat loss from the building equals internal heat gain.
D. temperature at which point back-up heat comes on.

4. A very good insulator has an R value of 29. The material's heat transfer coefficient is:

A. 0.034
B. 8.497
C. 14.5
D. 29

5. Of the following, what is true of radiant heat?

A. Lower temperature settings can be used with the same comfort level.
B. A normal thermostat can be used.
C. It is no longer considered a safe heating system.
D. It can only be used as a central system.

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Other Subject: Natural circulation of air in the space
Reference No:- TGS015930

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