
Native people throughout north and south america useda bola

Native people throughout North and South America useda bola to hunt for birds and animals. A bola canconsist of three stones, each with mass m, at theends of three light cords, each with length l. Theother ends of the cords are tied together to form a Y. The hunterholds one stone and swings the other two stones above her head.Both stones move together in a horizontal circle of radius2l with speed v0. At amoment when the horizontal component of their velocity is directedtoward the quarry, the hunter releases the stone in her hand. Asthe bola flies through the air, the cords quickly take a stablearrangement with constant 120-degree angles between them. In thevertical direction, the bola is in free fall. Gravitational forcesexerted by the Earth make the junction of the cords move with thedownward acceleration g . You may ignore the vertical motionas you proceed to describe the horizontal motion of the bola.

a) Calculate the magnitude of the momentum.
b) Calculate the horizontal speed of the center of mass.
c) Calculate the angular momentum about the center of mass.
d) Calculate the angular speed of the bola about its center of mass.
e) Calculate the kinetic energy of the bola at the instant ofrelease.
f) Calculate the kinetic energy of the bola in its stable Yshape.

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Physics: Native people throughout north and south america useda bola
Reference No:- TGS0905592

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