
National policy agenda to reduce the burden of student debt

Topic : Education

1. Policy Briefs on Student Loan Borrower Assistance.

2. National Policy Agenda to Reduce the Burden of Student Debt. The Institute for College Access and Success. October 2016.

3. Betrayed by the Dream Factory

4. "America's growing student-loan-debt crisis" Market Watch

5. The Court Ruling That Could End the Student Loan Crisis; Fiscal Times.

6. What Unified Government and Electoral Politics might mean for education policy. Brookings


For those doing group projects, I would like the PowerPoint presentation to also include a short description of the contribution of each group member.

My part for these topic:

IV. Government Centric Solution. In this section, the group should identify a solution that government appears to favor. For example, in the case of Energy, the government prefers an emphasis on alternative to fossil fuels. Your project should explain the kinds of policy preferences this would results in. And answer the question - why does business oppose this?

1 page power point and 2 pages word docs need

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Dissertation: National policy agenda to reduce the burden of student debt
Reference No:- TGS02793592

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