
Narrow economic view of social responsibility


1) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: ethics is needed in order to succeed (or, at least not to fail), in business.

2) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: ethics sets one up for failure in business.

3) What is the principle according to which Utilitarian ethics evaluates whether something is moral or not? One sentence needed which starts with “Something is moral if ….” No more than one grammatically correct sentence.

4) What is the principle according to which Kantian ethics evaluates whether something is moral or not? One sentence needed which starts with “Something is moral if ….” No more than one grammatically correct sentence.

5) What is the principle according to which the narrow economic view evaluates whether a firm is socially responsible or not? One sentence needed which starts with “A firm is socially responsible if ….” No more than one grammatically correct sentence.

6) What is the principle according to which the stakeholder view evaluates whether a firm is socially responsible or not? One sentence needed which starts with “A firm is socially responsible if ….” No more than one grammatically correct sentence.

7) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the narrow economic view of social responsibility is justified by Utilitarian morals.

8) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the narrow economic view of social responsibility fails to be justified by Utilitarian morals. (Only Utilitarian evaluation should be used here. Not Kantian, or virtue ethics.) Discuss why we would think that real happiness is or is not produced on the narrow economic model.

9) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the narrow economic view of social responsibility fails to be justified by Utilitarian morals. (Only Utilitarian evaluation should be used here. Not Kantian, or virtue ethics.) Discuss the problem of market failures for the narrow economic model – and why it is a problem for the narrow economic model.

10) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: market failures problem can be fixed from within the narrow economic model. Discuss how market failures can be fixed from within the narrow economic model.

11) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the narrow economic model solution to the problem of market failures is likely to not be effective.

12) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the narrow economic view of social responsibility is justified by Kantian morals. Discuss the private property defense.

13) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the narrow economic view of social responsibility fails to be justified by Kantian morals. (Only Kantian evaluation should be used here. Not Utilitarian, or virtue ethics.) Discuss the problem with the private property defense.

14) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the stakeholder view of social responsibility is justified by Utilitarian morals.

15) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the stakeholder view of social responsibility fails to be justified by Utilitarian morals. (Only Utilitarian evaluation should be used here. Not Kantian, or virtue ethics. Do not discuss vagueness.)

16) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the stakeholder view of social responsibility is justified by Kantian morals.

17) Present and explain the reasons that serve as evidence in support of the following: the stakeholder view of social responsibility fails to be justified by Kantian morals. (Only Kantian evaluation should be used here. Not Utilitarian, or virtue ethics. Do not discuss vagueness.)

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Microeconomics: Narrow economic view of social responsibility
Reference No:- TGS01429880

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