
name various types of guided and unguided

Name various types of guided and unguided transmission media. If you are connecting your office computers through a local area network which transmission media would you use? Why? In the above network which LAN topology would you use and why?

Guided Media

In guided media waves are guided along a solid medium such as transmission line. In Guided transmission media the waves are guided along the physical path. The example of guided media includes Phone lines, twisted pair cables, coaxial cables.

Unguided Media

In unguided media the data is transmitted without the use of any physical means so data is transmitted through means of satellite or antenna. The example of waves used for unguided media includes microwave, radio or infrared rays. Some examples where we use unguided media are: air, Vacuum and seawater.


 If in an office, computers are connected through a local area network of course the guided media will be used because in Local Area Network computers are attached through some physical media such as wires. Also the cost of unguided media will be more and can disturb the budget. 

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Computer Networking: name various types of guided and unguided
Reference No:- TGS0156470

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