Name three ways in which classical conditioning and operant

1: Name three ways in which Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning are different from one another. You will find this answer on the PowerPoint presentation.

2: What are the four steps in Bandura's Observational Learning process?

3: Kohler demonstrated that chimpanzees appeared to engage in mental problem solving behavior. What did he call this type of learning?

4: You are four years old, and you go to the grocery store with your mother, and for the first time you don't ride in the cart. Your mother says that she needs Cheerios, and you say "I know where they are!" You walk straight to the aisle where the Cheerios are stocked, even though you've never walked there yourself before. Tolman would say that you have engaged in what kind of learning?

5: On which schedule of reinforcement would a Las Vegas slot machine pay out? (please note!!! The question asks for the SCHEDULE!)

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