1. Name the two most important factors that govern the movement of sample components in Chromatography.
2. a. In gas chromatography, why the column is contained in a thermostatic
b. Under what conditions, the retention time becomes a characteristic of a certain compound?
c. The term Eluent stands for
3. In a GC experiment in which the liquid stationary phase is polar, which would have a shorter retention time - a nonpolar mixture component with a high vapor pressure or a polar mixture component with a low vapor pressure? Explain.
4. What is the role of the detector in GC?
5. Match each detector type (A-E) with the items 1-8 that follow (more than one Item is Possible):
1. A GC detector good especially for pesticides |
A. Flame Ionization |
2. A GC detector that utilizes hydrogen gas |
B. Thermal Conductivity detector |
1. A GC detector that analyzes fragmented molecules according to their mass and charge |
C. Electron Capture detector |
1. A GC detector that is based on differences of abilities of helium and the mixture components to conduct heat |
D. mass spectrometer detector |
E. A universal but not very sensitive GC detector |
F. Can be used only for samples that that are able to be burned |
E. Flame photometric detector |
G. A GC detector that is specific for organic cornpounds |
6. What does it mean to say that a GC detector is universal, what does it mean to say that one GC detector is more sensitive and more selective than another?
Fundamentals of GC - Introduction and Overview