
Name important components that attitudes possess


1. According to the ABC approach to attitudes, attitudes possess three important components: affect, beliefs, and cognitions.

2. "I really like my Suburu" is an example of the belief component of attitudes.

3. According to the functional theory of attitudes, attitudes perform three functions: affective, behavioral, and cognitive.

4. The utilitarian function of attitudes is based on the concept of reward and punishment.

5. The knowledge function of attitudes allows consumers to simplify decision making.

6. The utilitarian function of attitudes works as a defense mechanism for consumers.

7. The elaboration likelihood approach to attitude suggests that affect, behavior, and cognition form in a sequential order.

8. According to the high-involvement hierarchy, beliefs about products are formed last.

9. The hierarchy of effects in the low-involvement hierarchy is affect-behavior-belief.

10. Impulse purchases can be explained from the behavioral influence hierarchy.

11. The behavioral influence hierarchy suggests that behavior occurs without either beliefs or affect being strongly formed beforehand.

12. The attitude-toward-the-object (ATO) model proposes that three key elements must be assessed to understand and predict a

consumer's attitude: affect, behavior, and cognition.

13. The attitude-toward-the-object (ATO) model is a multiattribute approach.

14. In the attitude-toward-the-object (ATO) model, the belief ratings (b) do not vary across the brands under consideration.

15. The ATO approach is known as a compensatory model because poor ratings on one attribute can be compensated for by higher ratings

on another attribute.

16. Attitude-behavior consistency refers to the extent to which a strong relationship exists between attitudes and actual behavior.

17. The behavioral intentions model is sometimes referred to as the ATO model.

18. Compared to the attitude-toward-the-object model, the behavioral intentions model adds a component that assesses the consumer's

perceptions of what other people think they should do, referred to as the subjective norm.

19. As the length of time between attitude measurement and overt behavior grows, the predictive ability of attitudinal models weakens.

20. The theory of planned action expands upon the behavioral intentions model by including a subjective norm component.

21. Attitude auditing refers to the extent to which a company actively monitors its customers' attitudes over time.

22. Persuasion refers to specific attempts to change attitudes.

23. According to the ATO model of persuasion, marketers can attempt to change beliefs, create new beliefs about product features, or

change evaluations of product attributes.

24. According to the behavioral influence approach to persuasion, behavior change can only occur if beliefs and attitudes are changed first.

25. Changing schema-based affect is another way marketers can attempt to change attitudes.

26. The elaboration likelihood model (ELM) illustrates how attitudes are changed based on different levels of consumer involvement.

27. According to the elaboration likelihood model (ELM), the persuasion process follows one of two routes: a direct route or an indirect


28. According to the elaboration likelihood model, if the central route to persuasion is activated, the consumer develops a number of

cognitive responses regarding the incoming message that may either support or contradict the information.

29. Contradicting thoughts are known as negative arguments.

30. Attitude change tends to be relatively enduring when it occurs in the central route.

31. According to the ELM, if a consumer is highly involved with a message, the peripheral route to persuasion will be followed.

32. According to the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, non-product-related information, such as music or a spokesperson, are

examples of non-essential cues in the message.

33. According to the ELM model of attitude change, even if a consumer's attitude is influenced more by peripheral cues than central cues,

the resulting belief or attitude change is still likely to be relatively enduring.

34. The basic premise of balance theory is that consumers are motivated to maintain perceived consistency in the relations found in mental


35. The balance principle states that human beings prefer consistency among their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

36. The triad in balance theory is composed of observer, person, and object.

37. In balance theory, connector relations are the relations between the observer (consumer) and the other elements in the system.

38. In balance theory, the object-person relation is referred to as a unit relation.

39. A key premise of balance theory is consistency in the triad is maintained when the multiplication of the signs in the sentiment and unit

relations result in a positive value.

40. Initial judgment theory proposes that consumers compare incoming information to their existing attitudes about a particular object or

issue and that attitude change depends upon how consistent the information is with the initial attitude.

41. According to social judgment theory, a consumer's latitude of acceptance and latitude of rejection around his or her initial attitude will

determine whether a message will change his or her attitude.

42. For a message to fall within a consumer's latitude of acceptance, the information presented must be perceived as coming from a

credible source..

43. According to social judgment theory, when an incoming message falls within the latitude of acceptance, internalization occurs.

44. Message effects is a term used to describe how the appeal of a message and its construction affect persuasion.

45. Noise in the basic communication model represents the audible sound in the environment that disrupts the communication process.

46. Highly explicit sexual content in advertisements effectively focuses attention on the product advertised.

47. Research suggests that high levels of fear are most effective in changing consumers' attitudes.

48. When material presented later in the message has the most impact, a latency effect is said to occur.

49. Source credibility consists of three elements: expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness.

50. The matchup hypothesis states that a source feature is most effective when it is matched with relevant products.

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Marketing Management: Name important components that attitudes possess
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