
Name grade and title of person from whom received this one

Control Number: This is typically an agency case number, or number identifying the investigative action for which the evidence was collected.

Report/Cross-Reference Number: Same as the Control Number; may contain a second related number.

Receiving Agency: This is the organization to which you belong at the time you seize the evidence.

Location: This is typically the location of the organization to which you belong at the time you seize the evidence.

Name, Grade, and Title of Person from Whom Received: This one is pretty self-explanatory. This block should contain the name and (if applicable) the grade (e.g., GS-12, SSG, Detective 1, etc.) and title (e.g., CSO) of the person from whom you receive the evidence. If they are the owner of the evidence, mark that box; if they are not, the "Other" box is more appropriate. If the item is not seized from a person, but rather from a place (like a crime scene, for example), printing "CRIME SCENE" in this block and checking "Other" is most appropriate.

Address: This is the address of the person or the address of the location from which you obtain the evidence.

Location from Where Obtained: This may seem redundant and a duplication of the "Address" block, but it is meant to be more specific. For example, one might write "Right hand of JOHNSON at 2345 Fake Street, Martinsville, OK 56789"; keep in mind that while Mr. JOHNSON's home address was what you printed in the "Address" block, this is the address at which Mr. JOHNSON was located when you actually took the evidence from him. Or, if the evidence was collected from a crime scene, one might write "Top left-hand drawer in master bedroom dresser at 2345 Fake Street, Martinsville, OK 56789".

Reason Obtained: Things such as "Safe Keeping" or "Evidence" would be appropriate here based on why you are seizing the item(s).

Time/Date Obtained: Self-explanatory.

Item: Starting at 1, items are numbered sequentially.

Quantity: If you have more than one of the same type of item (like CDs, for example) you can put the quantity here.

Description of Articles: This is where you describe the item(s) you took. Be ask descriptive as possible. It is better to be overly descriptive than too brief. A description usually looks something like this: "Hard disk drive, 320GB, Seagate-brand, Model ST5934570, Serial Number HT234J66097, silver-in-color, metal-type construction, used condition. Marked for ID with RDP, 26 Jan 12, RDP"

Purpose of Change of Custody: Why did you take it? Like at the top of the form, something like "Safe Keeping" or "Evaluation as Evidence" is appropriate.

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Dissertation: Name grade and title of person from whom received this one
Reference No:- TGS02190316

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