Name and describe four productmarket expansion grid

Advanced Business Assignment

In a small group, conduct for Leeds International Study Centre to deliver as a 500 words project to your teacher.

a- A SWOT analysis
b- Develop a business objective
c- Briefly describe your strategy to achieve your objective(s)

Talk about

Business objective (s):

Strategy to achieve your objectives:

Case Study

Did you buy a Google Nexus One smartphone when it hit the market in early 2010? Didn't think so-few people did. That's why Google stopped selling them in the United States. The phone carried Google's brand and was powered by the Google Android operating system found on other manufacturers' phones. With the Nexus One, Google made several mistakes. First, in an effort to get products to market faster and make more money through direct sales, Google tried to change the way wireless phones are distributed. Rather than the typical carrier distribution model (buying a phone through AT&T, Verizon Wireless, or another wireless provider), it used a Web-based sales model. The only way to buy a Nexus One was at Google's Web site. Looking back, notes one executive, Google would probably have sold more of the phones through the traditional carrier network. To make matters worse, Google didn't invest much in advertising for the Nexus One. And it was ill-equipped to handle customer service queries, attempting at first to handle them through e-mail instead of offering dedicated customer-service support. Finally, analysts said the phone wasn't much better than other Android phones already on the market. No wonder the Nexus One failed. However, although Google discontinued the phone, its Android operating system remains strong, powering 13 percent of all U.S. smartphones, second only to Apple's 24 percent.

1. Name and describe the four product/market expansion grid strategies and explain which strategy Google implemented with the Nexus One.

2. Discuss the marketing strategy and tactics mistakes Google made when introducing the Nexus one.

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Business Management: Name and describe four productmarket expansion grid
Reference No:- TGS02228801

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