Assignment task: Please prepare to use for Power point presentation
Choose a drug of particular interest to you that you would like to research. The drug may be either an OTC or prescribed medication. It can be of any classification and administered by any route. Ensure that you have sufficient resources (3 sources required) to complete your assignment. In your assignment, present the following information in your own words:
- Name and classification of the drug:
- What are 3 common indications for this drug?
- How often is it taken?
- By which routes is it taken?
- Are there any special instructions for administration?
- Are there possible side effects?
- Are there any contraindications?
- Name the 3 sources you used for your assignment.
- Why did you choose this drug to research?
- What was the most interesting fact you learned about this medication?
Please indicate the resources you used to complete this assignment: