

In 1981, a US presidential candidate proposed a ‘North American Agreement’ that ultimately led to the signing of NAFTA by the Mexican and US presidents and the Prime Minister of Canada on December 17, 1992. Answer the following questions:

Has trade among the partners increased or decreased since the inception of NAFTA? Has the change in trade been equally distributed or skewed? Support your answer quantitatively.
Among the countries in the American continents, other than the three NAFTA members, who have been the key winners and losers as a result of NAFTA? Why? What changed?
During this time in the Americas, were any other regional affiliations attempted? Were they successful or did they fail? Was any of this activity directly attributable to NAFTA activities?
List the key legal, financial, and political influencing factors that contributed to the trade environment of the Americas in the NAFTA period.
Did all three NAFTA member countries have the same goals in the same time frame?

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Reference No:- TGS0872434

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