Hints for Studying:
-Know the terms, definitions, and concepts covered in your book and in class. (I recommend using flash cards.) Again, be able to apply them.
-This review sheet is intended to guide your studying, not to replace it. In addition to reviewing the concepts on this list, be sure to study the material in your textbook (especially the bold terms). I tried to include everything that is on the test; however I might include something on the test that is not on the review sheet.
What is Sociology: -What is sociology? Why should we study it?
-Sociological Imagination
-What are stereotypes?
-What is discrimination?
-why does social context matter?
-What are social theories?
-What are research methods?
-social interaction refers to what?
-social interaction is governed by a set of norms
-know at least 4 social institutions in society (family, marriage, education, religion etc)
-What are roles?
-What are social movements?
-When sociologist refer to culture what two things are they referring to?
-What is ethnography?
-What is a cultural tool kit?
-what is habitus and which sociologist came up with the concept?
-What is an example of a cultural universal?
-What is mass communication?
-What is the digital divide?
-What is group style?
-What are norms
-What are subcultures? Be able to identify them.
-What is hegemony?
-What are countercultures?
-What is multiculturalism?
-What is ethnocentrism?
-What is cultural relativism?
-What is the protestant ethic?
-What is national culture?
-What is nationalism?
-What is cultural capital?
-Symbolic boundary
-What is class reproduction?
-What is media framing?
-What are the three trends in the U.S. that suggests that the relationship between media and democracy is
only likely to grow more troubled?
-How is language important to culture?
Social Structure:
-What is a social structure? Why do social structures persist?
-What are the two key components of social structure?
-What is a social hierarchy?
-What is inequality?
-What are life chances?
-What does intergenerational social mobility mean?
-What is the glass ceiling?
-What is power and privilege?
-What is the most common way populations change over time?
-What was the Great Migration
-What was apartheid and in what part of the world was it practiced?
-What does it mean when something is institutionalized?
-What does the state refer to?
-What is socialization?
-What is a role?
Social Stratification, Inequality, and Poverty:
-What social stratification?
-Slavery was one of the first ways that what began?
-What do we mean by life chances?
-Define class and class indicators
-What is SES (socioeconomic status)?
-What does research demonstrate about social mobility?
-What is absolute and relative poverty?
-What is inequality?
-What is outsourcing?
-What is globalization?
-What is Occupy Wall Street and when/where did it begin?
-What is wealth vs income?
-What is meritocracy?
-Who are the working poor? One of the most extremes forms of poverty is what?