1. What information was already known about the topic, according to the literature review?
2. What questions or hypotheses guided this research study?
3. How did the selection of participants limit the external validity (i.e., the generalizability of the findings)?
4. What is the population for this study? How large is the population?
5. How was the sample selected?
6. Was the size of the sample adequate?
7. Would you say the research design was experimental, quasi-experimental, or descriptive? Was it appropriate for the research questions asked or the hypotheses offered?
8. Were the study procedures (including use of deception or confederates) ethical and necessary?
9. What were the main variables and how were they operationalized?
10. How did the authors address validity and reliability?
11. What statistic was used for each hypothesis or research question?
12. Were the findings statistically significant? If so, are there theoretical and practical implications to the findings? If not, are methodological problems that accounted for the lack of statistically significant findings?
13. Do the findings relate to the information presented in the literature review? How?
14. What limitations of the research design, if any, did the authors identify?
15. What types of future research, if any, are suggested by the study's results?