
My topic is black arts movement for your paper you will


My topic is Black Arts Movement. Below is the information for my paper:

For your paper you will explain how the Black Arts Movement captured the attitude of the black community. Please do not simply give a retelling of history but rather also be sure to include in your paper both the attitudes and motivations for those involved. Moreover tell me how the movement defined the attitude of those involved.

Answer my thesis question within the essay: What effect did the Black Arts Movement have throughout history?

Submit a finished paper that includes a title page, and bibliography (without annotations). This paper will be 3-5 double-spaced pages with one-inch margins, times new roman font size 12, Do not use parenthetical notes.

Thesis Statement. Your paper will start with the thesis statement and introduction which should be a well-developed paragraph.

Body of the Paper. The finished paper will use both primary and secondary sources to increase the plausibility of the clearly stated, analytical thesis. It will be carefully structured, composed, and proofread, with all required components included in the correct order. You need a minimum of 2 sources to be eligible for a grade of C; 5 sources to be eligible for an A.

Conclusion. The end of the paper should indicate what conclusion you have come to after having researched and written about the subject. It should also demonstrate how or why you have arrived at a particular conclusion.

Bibliography. The works-both primary and secondary-that are used in your paper should all be listed in your bibliography. The final paper should be 3-5 double-spaced pages in length, exclusive of title page and any endnote and bibliography pages. It should be composed in Microsoft Word with one-inch margins on all sides, 10 or 12 pitch, Times New Roman font.

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History: My topic is black arts movement for your paper you will
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