
My research will be modeled from the ontology of internal

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My research will be modeled from the ontology of internal realism and epistemology of positivism. This approach will help to establish the relationship between the parameters of prepaid meter deployment, revenue growth and customer satisfaction. It will also reveal the causal relationship and interdependencies between these factors. These in turn will help in building the foundation to gain more insight to answer my research questions.


The Mixed Method methodology appears to be the most suitable for this research especially as it involves the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitatively I will distribute questionnaires to a sample population of customers to ascertain their level of satisfaction with the prepaid meters deployed to them. Conversely I will also engage in a quantitative assessment of a sample population of customers who do not have prepaid meters to assess their level of satisfaction with their current billing and metering rates. The Quantitative data will be collected using Inferential surveys. Qualitatively I will carry out indepth interviews with selected and knowledgeable management staff of AEDC on their revenue profiles before and after the introduction of prepaid meters and the impact it has had on their revenue.


The Mixed Method Methodology has a number of strengths and weaknesses in its implementation and process. Easterby-Smith et al enumerates some of them to include:

- Increase confidence and credibility of results;
- Increase validity;
- Stimulate creative and inventive methods;
- Can uncover deviant dimensions;
- Can help synthesis and integration of theories;
- May serve as a critical test of competing theories;
- Can combine confirmatory and exploratory research at the same time;
- Present greater diversity of views;
- Provide better (stronger) inferences.

- Replication is difficult.
- The research design must be relevant to the research question.
- They provide no help if you are asking the wrong questions.
- They take up more resources than single method studies.
- Their use requires a competent overall design.
- The researcher needs to be skilled in the use of both methods.
- It is not helpful if one method simply provides window dressing for the other

This methodology is most appropriate for this research as it enables the gathering and generation of data from both parties involved in the Energy system ie. both supplier and consumer. Easterby-Smith et al (2012) states that the method helps to increase the validity and generalizability of results; and potential theoretical contribution.

The types of quantitative data to be collected will include but not limited to:
- Type of metering system - Prepaid or Postpaid
- Length of time on prepaid meter
- Average monthly power consumption
- Average monthly electricity bill prior to installation of meter
- Average monthly electricity bill post installation
- Alternative source of electricity available
- Average cost of generator usage per month
- Number of hours of power supply per day
- Level of Satisfaction with Current billing methods
- Awareness of different payment platforms
- Level of Satisfaction with payment platforms
- Response to complaints and enquiries

The qualitative data will cover the following areas:
- Revenue generation -
- Customer Engagement and service strategies
- Current status of deployment and meter coverage
- Stakeholder Engageme

The data will be collected using surveys, questionnaires and direct interview methods. These will enable me to generate the quantitative and qualitative data respectively required for my research project.

The data will be analysed using either Content Analysis which involves interrogating the data from preconceived constructs and ideas (Easterby-Smith et al 2012). Content Analysis is generally used to analyse qualitative data and is suitable for extracting the information contained in my research questions. In addition, it is possible to also gain further insight into the research work and use this to improve on the quantitative aspect to improve the quality of the research work.

The Grounded Analysis can also be applied but will prove too complex for the kind of information I wish to extract from my data. However it is more holistic than content analysis and allows the researcher to be close to the data and ensure that observations are carefully placed within context of the research.

Ethics in research is very important for the researcher as it forms the basis for conducting credible and effective work, this in turn makes the researcher responsible for his conduct and any ethical issues arising during the study (Trimble J. & Fisher C., 2006). Jones W. and Kotter L (2006) further reiterated stating that it is the duty of the researcher to ensure that the respondents understand completely the purpose of the study and know that they have the choice to discontinue at any point in the study.

In line with the above, I have identified the following ethical implications of the research methodology and methods for my research. The issue of confidentiality especially with information received from staff of the AEDC, Obtaining full consent from the research participants, privacy of research participants and anonymity of participants are vital. Furthermore on the part of the researcher, I will have to ensure that I am transparent and honest about the research and it's objectives as well as assuring all participants of complete confidentiality with any information received during the study.

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Dissertation: My research will be modeled from the ontology of internal
Reference No:- TGS01585257

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