
My level of responsibility for this incident is plagiarism

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The issues surrounding academic integrity in University's are the following:

Cheating: by using of notes during a closed book exam

Copying on tests: looking at other students' exams, copying with a plan with another student, passing notes during exams; exchanging exams with another student

Plagiarism: fabricating information, copying from the Internet and submitting the work from others journals, articles and newspapers, or books that is not authorized by Professor.

My level of responsibility for this incident is Plagiarism and phrasing of another person own work or idea without proper acknowledgment of the source, this includes submitting research project that done by someone else. That seems to be term "plagiarism". But is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment, It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or other academic materials, and used of unauthorized multiple submission of the same work. Also engaging in any behavior for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or class discussion, I will prevent this violation from occurring again by taking responsibility of attending all classes, whether in comps or online by taking notes, and obtaining or understanding materials provided by the instructor, taking tests according to syllabus scheduled, completing assignments as scheduled by the instructor. Keeping track of changes in the course syllabus made by the instructor throughout the semester, I will make sure also to improve my communication with the instructor as soon as possible if they anticipate by inquired an extra time if offered, missing multiple assignment or class due to events such as chronic illnesses, family problem.

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Reference No:- TGS0637306

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