
My focus in this research will be on the checklist

Focus Statement

My focus in this research will be on the checklist intervention that we can use on the student with ADHD and their behaviors in the classroom without the use of medication, that has some negative impact on the student achievements, and their progress, and more on their behavior within classrooms.

Also, is to seek to help the students to monitor their behaviors that can affect their achievements. Furthermore, what are some teachers challenges with student with ADHD.

And to define ADHD for being a common childhood disorder that creates impulsive, inattentive, and/or hyperactive behavior, which can lead to harmful effects on a student's behavior

In this paper will discuss the checklist intervention and its impact on the student behaviors in their classroom.

Research questions refinement

1. Do Children who use checklists as part of their daily routine perform better and have more appropriate behavior than children who do not use these checklists?

2. How is the checklist intervention benefit in reducing classroom behaviors of students with ADHD for especially second and third grade students?

3. How checklists successfully can be implemented in the classroom?

What is needed

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Area of Focus Statement

4. Research Question

5. Literature Review

6. Data Analysis and Finding

7. Results

8. Action Plan

9. References

Attachment:- ADHD and their behaviors.rar

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Dissertation: My focus in this research will be on the checklist
Reference No:- TGS02731524

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