
My area of interest is the emotional intelligence ei of

Maureen Groome

Re:Module 1 DQ 1

My area of interest is the emotional intelligence (EI) of millennials in career and employment choices. I want to know how and why millennials prepare for a career and chose an employer.

While I am finding a lot of information on EI and a lot of information on millennials, finding a gap that combines the two has been difficult. I did find a study from Abiola and Salaka (2014) regarding job satisfaction of Nigerian police officers, but this was more of a job satisfaction and not why or how they chose their careers.

I found another study by Calk and Patrick (2017) regarding the notion that millennials are diverse in their motivators and that appealing to millennials' motivating factors will help organizations find a potential new generation of qualified employees. However, this one focused more on the company's ability to find potential employees and not how or why a person picks the company.

With regards to themes, I am finding that theme that represent the millennials are very similar to the themes of EI. EI looks at self-awareness, self-management, being socially aware and having social skills (Goleman, 2015). Millennials value teamwork, personal productivity, self-management, personally fulfilling work, and social consciousness (Calk & Patrick, 2017). With regards to the assessment criteria, I would say that I am at a 1.5 overall with some being higher and some being lower.


Abiola, D., &Salako, A. (2014). Predicting the effect of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, job interest, life satisfaction and pay incentives as correlates of effective community policing in South-West, Nigeria. IFE Psychologia, 22(1), 170-178.

Millennials through the looking glass: Workplace motivating factors. Journal of Business Inquiry: Research, Education & Application, 16(2), 131-139.

Goleman, D. (2015). What makes a leader? In Harvard Business Review (Ed.). On emotional intelligence (pp. 1-21). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School.

Re:Module 1 DQ 1 Kendrick

Using the criteria in the prospectus template, how would you evaluate your work to date if you were using the assessment criteria to complete the assignment rubric and grade this assignment? Why?

I started the doctoral program (PhD) in Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial/Organizational Psychology on December 10, 2014. Throughout the doctoral journey and the 16 courses completed as of today July 6, 2017,it was in PSY 801, the introduction to doctoral studies did I learn the basics of literature review, research question, critical thinking, and methodology. Following this course, the advance social psychology course and the historical systems in psychology course, I learned more on theoretical frameworks in psychology, and utilization of the comparison matrix.

Then as I delved in to the industrial/organizational psychology courses, the focus was a lot on topics of industrial/organizational psychology, human resource management, and leadership topics that was relevant and applicable to my field and I applied them to my committee work in community colleges and program review and club organizations. However, during this time I did not nor shall I say asked to address the research prospectus or research draft of my dissertation.

The discussions, however in each of these courses did ask about the dissertation topic and interest on subject matter, however, it was not until in these two courses PSY 828 and PSY 847 in which both courses that were taught by Dr. Sherry Spitzer did we focus on dissertation research draft and prospectus. It was in these courses where I did have a chance to back track and focus and hone in on my dissertation topic of interest and focus on the research draft and dissertation prospectus.

Having said all this and giving background in my doctoral journey and based on the assessment criteria and rubric for the research prospectus, I would honestly admit that I would fail. It is not an excuse, but merely a fact that there were deviations from the dissertation research focus, but I do admit, this should have been my responsibility to keep at it even without being asked to do so in assignments throughout the courses and the doctoral journey.

However, it is with this course, that I hope that the focus and revisions, and the discussions with the chair (instructor for the course) and the methodologist that I can address the issues and the focus for the prospectus so when I am in Dissertation I and Dissertation II courses, I will have completed the dissertation and the PhD by January 2018. It is my hope that this is viable.

Maureen Groome

Re:Module 1 DQ 2

It is extremely important to write Chapter 2 - the literature review before completely Chapter 1 in order to get a clear understanding of the researcher's subject matter, background and previous research done on the topic. It allows for the formulating of a problem statement that describes the general positioning of the research in terms of a problem or observation that needs to be studied.

The problem statement will lead to the purpose statement, which clearly explains and justifies the proposed study, while defining the method and design and why they are appropriate (Black, 2017). Without the components of the literature review, this would be impossible to do. I like to use the analogy of a film.

When we go to the movie theater, they always show previews of coming attractions. However, the previews are not put together until after the film is made. This way the producers of the film have already made the film and know what they want put in the previews to grab the viewers' attention and justify people going to see the movie. In order to write a really good Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and 3 already need to be ferreted into.


Black, R. (2017). E-Mentoring the online doctoral student from the dissertation prospectus through dissertation completion. Journal of Higher Education 13 (1).

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