
My 5 year old daughter is being exclusively brought up by

My 5 year old daughter is being exclusively brought up by hermother whom I have recently identified as suffering from 2 destinctpersonality disorders. The first is Pathalogical NarscisisticManipulative disorder and the second Schizoid disorder. There is anoverlap between the 2. I know the first disorder was learned byexample as I have met 4 of her 11   siblings whom alsoexhibit this condition. I understand this condition is causediether by early child hood trauma or as taught by example from acrazy parent, and is set by the age of Eight. Their Mother is aconfirmed somthing, something or another delusional. One ofthe brothers has been diagnosed as a schizofrenic.

Will my daughters mental state degrade into this Narscisiticcondition and is she pshycologicaly being abused as a result of hermothers combination of disorders and is there a higherbracket of mental illness that better defines and encompasses thoseafore mentioned conditions?
Should I make sure for my daughter's safety that she is notbrought up by her mother and family?

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Other Subject: My 5 year old daughter is being exclusively brought up by
Reference No:- TGS0772252

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